Interview Michael Haerens Founder & CEO DMGlobal


In the interview of the week we have Michael Haerens Founder & CEO DMGlobal

Michael has been studying with enthusiasm what could be defined as the «New era of finance» Blockchain and cryptocurrencies

He is absolutely convinced that there is much to do, it is a good opportunity for those who have been «forgotten» by the banks.

He is currently the founder and CEO of DMGlobal, a large project based in Switzerland.

Talking about DMGlobal

Can you tell us what DM Global is?

DMGlobal is building a revolutionary payment ecosystem, opening new opportunities, featuring stable and cost-effective Crypto transactions

Banking & invoicing, international remittance, an internal exchange between crypto & fiat currencies.

The DMG Coin, part of the ecosystem, is a payment and utility hybrid coin with a fixed value and has, therefor very limited fluctuation.

It’s issued to purchase goods or services inside the DMGlobal ecosystem itself. A real value to carry on your wallet and to make borderless international transactions at any time.

Our revolutionary Point of Sale (POS) Terminals: finally, anyone in the world can be connected to the first-world banking system.

Unlike other POS Systems, these new machines allow not only crypto transactions to be processed, but will open the flood-gates for crypto trading and decentralized banking. Your funds are always in your control.

What are the main advantages?

A decentralized wallet which can be connected in any part of the world 7days a week.

Every user can send crypto directly to his bank thanks to the built-in Exchange and he will receive the value of it on his bank account in the currency of the country where the account is.

Anyone can open a wallet, no KYC required, and manage his assets.

What objectives do you propose to achieve in terms of volume and number of users in the short and long term?

The challenge is to make people understand the benefits DMGlobal offers to all users, from very small amounts and without limits upwards.

We are in fact now starting a massive marketing campaign and want to achieve 1 milion users in the next 6 months.

On the long term its difficulkt to evaluate, but we believe the potential is far over 20 milion users in the next 3 years.

Talking about the ICO, we are about two months away from its completion. What can you tell us about this?

Yes the ICO will end, that doesn’t mean that we will not anymore look for investors or partnerships.

We will definitely continue building our ecosystem, updating at all time. One of the next features will be the launch of our APP which will give even more people the possibility to use the wallet.

DM Global is about to launch an IBAN for its users. What advantages will it offer to DM Global users?

With the IBAN our ecosystem will be a real and complete account for all users where you can found your wallet to buy crypto, or simply use your wallet as a real bank account with the difference that you can have either crypto than fiat currencies.

What short plans do you have after the ICO?

Maybe 1 week on a beach!? Just kidding, but yes, this year has been very demanding and to créate such a project in such a short time is quite stressing even if absolutely satisfactory!

The second part will be for us to market our DMGlobal everywhere posible, travelling to countries and explain through road shows our ecosystem and its advantages.

With these questions we have reached the end of the interview, I am sure that you will leave me many questions to ask you, can you please add any details that you consider appropriate?

Frankly speaking I believe the best is to remain connected to us to learn about all the news which will hit the system in the next months.

Even if quite nerdy we are also very creative, so believe me when I say that this is only the beginning of a total revolution in the use and transfer of assets. There is more to come, keep in touch!

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