«I find creative inspiration in the power of Bitcoin and other crypto currencies»


Interview Tatiana Moroz – Singer and Songwritter – CEO Crypto Media Hub


Tatiana Moroz, entrepreneur, songwriter and singer. She studied at the Conservatory of Berklee. Shortly after step to manage several recording studios first order in New York. Avid reader of dystopian novels, with interest from a very early age in the use of music to have an impact on culture and society.In 2012 she began creating music for Ron Paul movement in the United States where it was well received. But she becomes disenchanted with the political process and moved to the Bitcoin community. By 2013 she created the Jingle Bitcoin as a fun way to introduce people this revolutionary concept. Shortly after creates TatianaCoin, cryptocurrency with which has managed to fully fund their third album to be released in the course of 2016.



How to define the type of music that you made?

My music is considered alternative country in the states, but could also be considered folk or pop rock. There are strong jazz and blues influences. The songs are very message driven, but also melodic.

It’s easy to publish a new álbum, or it’s necessary to use new media?

Creating an album can be very difficult as there are many costs associated with it. I was fortunate that I get discounted rates at my previous studio that I managed Premier Studios in NYC, but the promotion of the album is where the real money is needed.

Record labels have a rule of spending double the cost of the album production on marketing, so you can imagine what is needed to have commercial success.

I am an indie artist and am entirely funded by my fans and my own income. It can be very stressful and creatively stifling to try and do it on my own, but at the same time, that struggle has helped inspire me to create tools for other artists to take control of their careers via their own artist tokens.

I also don’t believe in being beholden to record companies, since they may try to change your message. I wouldn’t be able to speak so freely about the issues I am passionate about if I was funded by a corporation. I believe that art is compromised that way, so while it’s difficult to find a balance, it’s something musicians should take more seriously.



Are You Songwriter? Or Bitcoin lover?

I am both! I have never been a very technical person, but I find creative inspiration in the power of Bitcoin and other crypto currencies. If my goal through music is to change the world for the better, Bitcoin is a perfect partner!

There are so many incredible uses that we are only now able to realize as the community matures, so I am excited to see what the future brings.

I think creative people can be excellent spokespeople for Bitcoin, because we can speak more freely about the benefits to the common person in a language that anyone can understand. We are natural communicators and can show people how fun this whole new world of opportunities can be!

About Tatiana Coin, what is the purpose of this coin?

Tatiana Coin is an experiment with crypto currencies where the value is derived from the content I create. There are some major challenges that artists face in the music industry, but what I consider to be the most important and most common are how to fund their careers and how to connect with their fans.

Social media helped us connect, but now we have a middleman (platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc) that wants to charge us to reach our fans. They change the rules after we build up our communities on these sites, so if you don’t pay, you can’t talk to your own fanbase.



On the other hand, to solve the problem of funding, we have had great advances with crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. The problem there is that fans can only contribute during a short amount of time, the prizes are fixed and non transferrable, and not everyone is interested in the prizes available.

Tatiana Coin is an ongoing funding mechanism where donors can support my career at any time and get tokens that can be redeemed for prizes throughout my career.

These tokens are also transferrable, so you can sell them or gift them to friends and family as well. We are creating an app that will use the tokens to send messages directly to the artist and create online communities of fans, stream my songs, and get exclusive content that is reserved only for supporters.

We are creating album tokens as well, which are DRM digital downloads that you can resell, bringing back the old used music market which is currently unavailable with other MP3 services, but can contain rights information and more that’s stored on the blockchain. I will launch the MVP of the app at the same time as my album, so it’s a really exciting time!

What message would you leave about Tataiana Coin to other songwriters who read this interview?

Well, I hope that people find it a compelling use case. As an artist that has struggled to fund my career, knowing about that from my own experiences, I believe this could be a great help to build communities of music fans without someone getting in the middle. People want genuine connections, and the artist coin can facilitate that, giving back something of value to both the fan and the musician. I look forward to helping other artists get on board with my friends at Tokenly.

About Crypto Media Hub, What kind of service you offer?, It’ possible to request the services of CHM in Spain?

Crypto Media Hub is my other company that focuses on advertising, marketing, and PR to the Bitcoin space and beyond. We can work with any company that would like to be smart about their approach to advertising and marketing. There are so many nuances to choosing the right placements, and we work with almost every media outlet. We also think outside the box and work with charities, podcasts, conferences, and more, to create the perfect custom package.

I have partnered recently with a top notch PR firm based in NYC, so we have a global reach to mainstream news as well as Bitcoin media. We have even started creating our own events (one will be in NYC for Consensus on May 3).

Could you explain to our followers in Spain What is Bitcoin, from a personal perspective?

Bitcoin is freedom. That is why I love it. I have always looked for the best ways to improve the world around me, and unleashing the power of value is extremely important. I encourage people to check out my links to find out more:



Bitcoin 101 video series made with Stephanie Murphy:





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